What is Public Limited Company?
1.A public limited company (PLC), also known as a publicly traded company in the US, is a type of business structure where ownership is divided into shares that can be freely bought and sold by the general public on a stock exchange. Here are some key characteristics of a PLC:
- Public Ownership: PLCs offer their shares to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) or on the stock market. This allows anyone to become an owner (shareholder) of the company by purchasing its shares.
- Limited Liability: Shareholders in a PLC have limited liability. This means their personal assets are protected if the company faces financial difficulties or goes bankrupt. Their financial liability is limited to the amount of money they invested in the company’s shares.
- Transparency and Regulations: PLCs are subject to stricter regulations and reporting requirements compared to private companies. They are required to disclose their financial performance and other relevant information to the public regularly. This transparency helps maintain investor confidence in the company.
- Board of Directors and Management: PLCs are managed by a board of directors elected by the shareholders. The board appoints professional managers to run the day-to-day operations of the company.
- Company Documents:
- Memorandum of Association (MOA): This document acts as the company’s foundation, outlining its key details like company name, registered office address, objects of the company (business activities it can undertake), capital clause (authorized share capital), and liability clause.
- Articles of Association (AOA): This document defines the internal rules and regulations of the company, governing aspects like shareholding, dividend distribution, meetings, appointment and removal of directors, and company management procedures.

    3.Documents for Directors and Shareholders:
- Director Identification Number (DIN): Each proposed director must have a DIN, obtained through a separate application process.
- PAN Card: All directors and shareholders (Indian citizens) need to submit their PAN cards. (Passport for Foreign Nationals)
- Identity Proof: Directors and shareholders can use Aadhaar card, Passport, Voter ID card, or Driving License as identity proof.
- Address Proof: Latest utility bills (not older than 2 months) or bank statements serve as address proof for directors and shareholders.
- Passport Size Photograph: A passport size photograph of each director is required.
- Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): At least one director needs to have a DSC to digitally sign the e-forms during the registration process